Thanks to Kasia Haroldsen for inviting us to sing her new piece for this wonderful event!

” … accompanied by the Spokane Symphony, conducted by Eckart Preu, Spokane’s Kinderchor performed a song titled ‘Here in This Land’ written especially for the occasion by Kasia Haroldsen and very sensitively arranged by Willilam Berry. Kinderchor, directed by Sharon Smith, sang with beautiful tone, splendid diction and great energy, providing an inspiring transition to the musical perfromances that followed.”

Spokesman-Review, WA — October 23, 2012

I was sitting tonight after putting my dinner in the oven and thinking of the five positive things and I had to stop myself way past five, so I am so grateful to Christ for that. That is what I think about when I hear your song, the beauty of the ultimate gift of His son and then the opportunity to have so much good in the midst of hard times.

Absolutely beautiful. First the melody draws you in, and then the lyrics and then you are completely immersed in this uplifting story that just makes you want to go to the same place that you experienced. You have a wonderful music talent and I am pleased that not only do you use it, but that you share it with me.

Thank you. Bravo!


“Kasię poznałam dawno temu…i jej muzykę również, bo Kasia i muzyka to jedno!

Gdy ona śpiewa i gra nastaje wokół cisza, zamiera wszelki ruch, chce sie słuchać tylko jej, reszta odpływa gdzieś w dal.

I wtedy otwiera się świat, jej świat do którego zaprasza. Cicho sączy się…miłość… wiara… i nadzieja.

A ten, kto tego słucha staje się lepszym człowiekiem bo nie może byċ inaczej.

Jej ciepły, łagodny choć mocny, głos koi. Jej czysta,wyrazista muzyka daje radość.

Słowa piosenek pobudzają do refleksji, napawają nadzieją.

Ale nade wszystko utwory skomponowane przez nią dotykają serca, tak jakby ona w nas chwytała za najdelikatniejsze, najwrażliwsze struny i wydobywała z nich moc.

Jej muzyka nie znosi hałasu ani chaosu, zamyka ciszę harmonia perfekcyjnie dobranymi dźwiękami i myślami ubranymi w słowa.

To podmuch letniego wiatru dyskretnego pełnego ciepła.

A Kasia to krucha, skromna kobieta o wielkim sercu…….co doskonale i wyraźnie słychać w jej muzyce.


Recording Kasia’s Music:

During 2009 and 2010, I had the privilege of working with Kasia in recording and mastering her latest music CD project. Kasia has an amazing attention to detail in playing her compositions and assisting in mastering her final music production. Not only is her music very listenable, but it is very spiritual. She’s a very professional artist and has been a joy and pleasure to work with.

John R. Benham
Benham Audiophile Recordings
Spokane, Washington

“Kasia’s music overcomes any language barrier that might exist. Her voice is both approachable and soothing and the songs that she sings will stay with you long after the music has come to a stop.”


“Kasia’s music so beautifully speaks to the heart. My family even loves listening to Kasia’s songs, and they don’t understand Polish! The instrumentals and vocals are so well done that anyone can enjoy it. I am looking forward to any future cds from her!”

Jennifer Houser

“I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to the relaxing and gently thought-provoking music on the CD Lubie. Thank you for sharing your gift of music, Kasia!”


“Kasia’s special CDs should be enjoyed by all generations for their listening pleasure. What a truly lovely voice! Beautifully written material by this wonderful composer, too!”

– Janice Tucker Rhoda

“Kasia’s music is of a naturally soothing nature that anyone will find enjoyable!”

Stephanie Guinn

“Kasia’s music is so peaceful and inspiring! I love listening to her beautiful voice. She is a very gifted musician! Her songs lift my spirit and speak to my soul!”

Julie McLeish

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