Nadzieja (Hope) – Single


One morning I woke up early and I heard the birds singing. I could see the sunbeams in my room and I though , how much the sun brings me joy and warm feeling even during difficult times. I though of sun as my hope . I love sunny days, there is something joyful about sunshine it is like a hope… I decided to write a song that would be called “Hope”. I believe we all need hope in our lives as we need sunshine…


(Sung in Polish)

Pewnego ranka obudził mnie śpiew ptaków. W moim pokoju zauważyłam promienie słoneczne i myslałam jak dobrze sie czuję gdy słońce świeci nawet gdy przechodzę trudne doświadczenia. Uwielbiam słoneczne dni, są to radosne dni jak Nadzieja…Postanowiłam napisać piosenkę “Nadzieja” bo wierzę że wszyscy potrzebujemy nadzieji tak jak słonecznych dni w naszym życiu…

One morning I woke up early and I heard the birds singing. I could see the sunbeams in my room and I though , how much the sun brings me joy and warm feeling even during difficult times. I though of sun as my hope . I love sunny days, there is something joyful about sunshine it is like a hope… I decided to write a song that would be called “Hope”. I believe we all need hope in our lives as we need sunshine…


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