Droga Jezusa (The Path of Jesus) – Single


I was inspired to write this song during my conversion time, I felt lost and confused. I learned that the true happiness comes when we have God in our life. I lived ‘in the world” thinking that I am happy but in reality I was missing something deeper and when I found “The Path,” I knew that I am not lonely or afraid anymore…I knew that this Path will lead me to Jesus.


(Sung in Polish)

Ta piosenke była napisana podczas mojego nawrócenia, czułam sie zagubiona i niepewna. Zrozumiałam, że prawdziwe szczęście jest tylko wtedy gdy mamy Boga w życiu. Żyłam “w świecie” myśląc że jestem szczęśliwa ale tak naprawdę brakowało mi czegoś. Gdy odkryłam “Drogę” wiedziałam że nie jestem już samotna i nie mam czego się bać…Wiedziałam że ta Droga zaprowadzi mnie do Jezusa.

I was inspired to write this song during my conversion time, I felt lost and confused. I learned that the true happiness comes when we have God in our life. I lived ‘in the world” thinking that I am happy but in reality I was missing something deeper and when I found “The Path,” I knew that I am not lonely or afraid anymore…I knew that this Path will lead me to Jesus.


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