Zbawiciel (The Savior) – Single


There is not much to say about this song, the only thing I can say, is that this is a true experience that helped me in my conversion. I did see a Light and I did feel His presence during Christmas Night…


(Sung in Polish)

Nie wiele mogę powiedzieć odnośnie tej piosenki, tylko to że, było to prawdziwe wydarzenie. To doświadczenie pomogło mi w procesie nawrócenia. Naprawdę widziałam Światło i naprawdę odczułam Jego obecność podczas Bożego Narodzenia…

There is not much to say about this song, the only thing I can say, is that this is a true experience that helped me in my conversion. I did see a Light and I did feel His presence during Christmas Night…


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